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Outreach: Partnerships

To facilitate our otreach efforts, we are building partnerships within the university and with community groups and institutions. The process of developing these relationships is ongoing. Currently, we work with the OU K20 center to take advantage of their resources and experties for building school-university-community collaborations.

Our lab also has partnered with Science Museum Oklahoma as a way to bring the excitement and interest of our research to the statewide community. We have participated in their Summer Science camp with our Electric Fish Roadshow and also in their Sideshow Science series.

Our near-term goal is to begin building relationships with local K-12 science teachers so that we can begin sharing enthusiasm for our research wich science classes in local and regional public schools. We are seeking partherships with interested science teachers. Please contact us for more information.


Last update: June 6, 2019 - contact Michael Markham.